Acequia 2 Acequia 1 Glimmering Forest Burning Seam Sound Waves Rising Tides Dusk with Three Moons Night Birds Verdant Glimpse I, too, am tender Songs of Innocence This Floating World I Remember Winter Private Sorrow Static/Signal Wild Berries I Contain Multitudes Subterranean Fires Lunar Forest Radiant Forest 2 Radiant Forest 1 Though I sang in my chains like the sea The grief-armies assemble, but I’m not going with them. Blue Desert Air This disappearing world Again! Oceanic Revelation The Tower Charis La Gomera Girl Goes In Search of Her Fire Alone Anableps Surprise Cloud Studies Grand Canyon Pacific Ohio River Motley Crew Picture Book People Naptime Nostalgia Soul Forge Astrolabe Amoeba Insemination Dalliance Squall Shattered Heat The Opening Felt Landscape